Early Childhood Education AST (Pre K-3) TTP

Early Childhood Education AST (Pre K-3) TTP


Tania Henson-Brooks, Program Director for Early Childhood Education
[email protected]

“Building the foundation for a full career in the Early Childhood profession”

In the state of Tennessee, students must complete a four-year degree to become a licensed teacher for PreKindergarten through Third Grade classrooms. Chattanooga State offers an Associate of Science in Teaching degree specific to Early Childhood Education and designed to transfer smoothly toward the appropriate bachelor’s degree. AST graduates have completed the requirements for admission into the Early Childhood Education PreK-3 licensure preparation programs at most regional four-year universities.

The main priority of the Early Childhood AST Degree program is a solid foundation in the scope of the field of early education. Five education classes connect firsthand experiences with concepts learned in coursework through fieldwork in early education and elementary classrooms. By the end of the AST degree, students will complete the coursework, Teacher Disposition Statements, ACT or Praxis CORE test scores, and GPA needed for admission into University teacher preparation programs. All of the courses for the Early Childhood AST Degree can be taken online or on campus, so students have flexible scheduling options while at Chattanooga State.

Students interested in careers in Early Childhood outside of formal classrooms may not require teacher licensure. In fact, most professionals based outside of the classroom do not! The Early Childhood faculty have developed advising pathways for students who will transfer on to non-licensure degrees in Child & Family Studies, Early Care & Education, Human Ecology, or Child Development. These pathways are adjusted to best fit each university’s degree expectations, so it is very important to meet with an Early Childhood Faculty Advisor early and often.