Disruptive Behavior

Disruptive behavior is defined as any behavior by a student while in class, on campus, or on a college-sponsored activity that interferes with instruction, interferes with another student's right to pursue learning, violates college policies, violates local, state or federal laws, or generally interferes with the smooth operation of the college.


Each student is expected to respect faculty, staff and each other. Therefore, disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.

Student Disciplinary Action

Disruptive students may be subject to disciplinary action by the college. Examples of conduct for which a student may be subject to disciplinary action are listed in the College Student Handbook under Students' Rights and Responsibilities.

Any member of the college community, including members of the faculty and staff, can initiate disciplinary action. Steps to initiate disciplinary action can be found in the "Student Disciplinary Procedures" section of the College Catalog and Student Handbook. Faculty and staff may wish to consult with their supervisor or other responsible college personnel before initiating the disciplinary process.

Faculty and Staff's Role

If and when a member of the faculty or staff is faced with student disruptive behavior, especially in a classroom setting, that individual may respond to the behavior in one or more of several methods. Try to manage the disruptive behavior directly. Faculty members, for example, can manage minor disruptive classroom behavior such as excessive talking or inappropriate use of cell phones without the need for assistance or disciplinary action. For most minor types of disruptive behavior, individual faculty response is all that is needed. If a pattern seems to be developing, documentation should be kept.

When efforts to manage disruptive behavior are not successful, or when disruptive behavior appears to be out of control, members of the faculty or staff should seek assistance from the department head. A phone call, or memo, to the Office of Judicial Affairs can help to determine whether or not a formal complaint should be filed.

If a student's disruptive behavior appears to be threatening, the faculty or staff member should immediately seek assistance from Campus Police and then Judicial Affairs, to apprise them of the severity of the behavior. A formal report must be filed, as soon as possible, when order is restored. Campus Police and the Office of Judicial Affairs work together when a serious incident arises.