April 3rd, 2023

Dear Chattanooga State Community,

I know juggling classes, work, family, and your social life can feel like a never-ending marathon. With so much going on, it's important to take regular study breaks to recharge your brain and body. Now that the weather is warmer and the flowers and trees are blooming, getting outdoors during these breaks offers significant benefits, such as managing stress, improving mood, and enhancing brain function. Lisa Nisbet, PhD, a psychologist at Trent University in Ontario, Canada, who studies connectedness to nature says, “You can boost your mood just by walking in nature, even in urban nature. And the sense of connection you have with the natural world seems to contribute to happiness even when you’re not physically immersed in nature.”

Here is a guide to ways to consider getting outside for much needed mental breaks. We are fortunate at ChattState to be located next to the Tennessee River and a nationally recognized Riverwalk as such suggestions 1 and 2 can be accomplished right here while you’re on campus when you may need a break from your classes or studies or to help enhance your cognitive function.

  1. Leisurely Strolls and Picnics: Take advantage of campus green spaces and the Riverpark and Riverwalk directly behind the campus by going for a leisurely walk or having a picnic with friends. These low-intensity activities provide an opportunity to enjoy nature, clear your mind, and engage in light physical exercise, which can boost endorphin levels and improve mood.
  2. Yoga and Meditation: Practice yoga or meditation in an outdoor setting to combine the benefits of mindfulness with the restorative power of nature. Seek out peaceful spots on campus, like a quiet garden or a shady grove, to stretch, breathe, and clear your mind.
  3. Cycling: Biking is a great way to get fresh air, explore your surroundings, and exercise simultaneously. Ride around on the Riverwalk, discover local bike trails, or join a cycling club to make new friends who share your passion. Don’t have a bike? You can rent a bike at the Hubert Fry section and Curtain Pole entrance of the Riverpark.
  4. Trail Running and Hiking: For a more adventurous study break, explore nearby trails or nature reserves through trail running or hiking. These activities offer an intense workout, help to relieve stress, and allow you to immerse yourself in the beauty of nature.
  5. Rock Climbing: Rock climbing, whether indoors or outdoors, is a fun and challenging way to develop strength, flexibility, and problem-solving skills. Look for climbing gyms or outdoor climbing spots and consider joining a climbing club to learn from experienced climbers.

To make the most of these outdoor study break ideas, create a personalized routine that suits your individual needs and preferences. Start by experimenting with different activities to determine which ones you enjoy the most and consider factors such as time constraints, physical fitness, and proximity to nature when making your decision.

Here are some tips to help you incorporate outdoor study breaks into your busy college schedule:

  1. Schedule Breaks: Plan your study breaks ahead of time and treat them as essential appointments in your calendar. This will ensure you make time for relaxation and rejuvenation amidst your hectic routine.
  2. Quick Breaks: Take advantage of short breaks between classes to go for a quick walk or find a peaceful place on campus to meditate.
  3. Weekend Mornings: Dedicate weekend mornings to exploring local trails, cycling, or engaging in other outdoor activities before the demands of the day set in.
  4. Nature-Inspired Study Spaces: If you can't step away from your studies, consider using nature-inspired study spaces, like botanical gardens, park benches, or the Riverpark, to enjoy the outdoors while completing assignments.

By incorporating outdoor study breaks into your college routine, you can effectively manage stress, improve your mood, and enhance cognitive functioning, leading to better academic performance and a more balanced lifestyle. So, step outside, breathe in the fresh air, and make the most of the great outdoors!


Student Resources


We have tons of resources to help you complete your goals from academic support to general support. Tutoring is an important service that can help you succeed in your classes. From writing to math tutoring and many subjects in between, we can help you pass or ace your classes.

Learm More About Tutoring

For a complete list of student resources, visit the Student Resources page.


Join us for World Quantum Day!

ChattState is hosting Dr. Duncan Earl in the Gerald McCormick Center on April 14 for World Quantum Day. Faculty, Staff, and ChattState Students will have first dibs at this limited seating event.

We plan to send the invite to the city next week, so be sure to RSVP to attend this special event.


Registration for Summer and Fall 2023 classes opens on April 3, so it’s essential to start planning your schedule now. By scheduling your advising appointment today, you’ll be better prepared to register for the classes that fit your needs and goals. So don’t wait—take advantage of Advising Month and set yourself up for success!


Attend The Company Lab CO.MOBILITY Summit for Free

The inaugural CO.MOBILITY Summit, powered by CO.LAB, is a groundbreaking event that brings together the brightest minds working towards the equitable movement of people, goods, energy, and data. CO.MOBILITY Summit offers a unique opportunity for attendees to learn about advancements in electric and autonomous vehicles, SmartCity innovations, freight technology + logistics, and Quantum tech—all while engaging with key players who are shaping the future of sustainable mobility.

The two tracks of the Summit explore the latest trends, innovations, and challenges in how the world moves and consumes energy. We will provide a dynamic platform for dialogue and collaboration between industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and subject matter experts.

The three-day event will kick off the opening of applications for our CO.MOBILITY Accelerator and will take place from May 9-11 at the University Center at UTC.

Use code EPBSTUDENT for a free ticket.


Registration for Summer and Fall 2023 classes Is Now Open

If you haven’t already secured your PIN to register for classes, be sure to schedule your advising appointment today.


Rebecca Ashford, Ed.D.