Alcohol & Drugs

A. A policy regarding the possession, use and sale of alcoholic beverages and enforcement of state underage drinking laws:

The following information is presented in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989:

ChSCC prohibits the possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs and alcohol on the campus property or on institutionally owned, leased, or otherwise controlled property.

Various federal and state statutes make it unlawful to manufacture, distribute, dispense, deliver, or sell or possess with intent to manufacture, distribute, dispense, deliver, or sell controlled substances. The penalty imposed depends upon many factors which include the type and amount of controlled substance involved, the number of prior offenses, if any, and whether any other crimes were committed in connection with the use of the controlled substance. Possible sanctions include incarceration up to and including life imprisonment and imposition of substantial monetary fines. Tennessee statutes provide that it is unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one (21) to buy, possess, transport (unless in the course of employment), or consume alcoholic beverages, wine, or beer, such offense being classified a Class A misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 11 months, 29 days or a fine of not more than $2,500 or both. The receipt, possession, or transportation of alcoholic beverages without the required revenue stamp is also a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment of not more than thirty (30) days or a fine of not more than $50 or both.

Information about how use of drugs and/or alcohol affects health is available at the Health, Wellness, and Recreation Center.

ChSCC does not currently provide drug/alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation programs for students. Referral to community treatment facilities may be made in appropriate cases.

ChSCC will impose sanctions against individuals who are determined to have violated rules prohibiting the use, possession, or distribution of illegal drugs or alcohol.

Sanctions for students using or possessing illegal drugs or alcohol include disciplinary probation and, in appropriate cases, suspension from the University. In addition, residence hall students will be removed from the housing system for the use or possession of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia. Referral for criminal prosecution may be made in appropriate cases. Individuals involved in the sale or distribution of illegal drugs will be suspended from the University and referred to the appropriate authorities for criminal prosecution. All employees, including students, agree as a condition of employment to abide by this policy. Sanctions against employees for use or possession of illegal drugs or alcohol in the workplace include termination of employment. Additionally, employees are required to notify the institution of any drug convictions resulting from a violation in the workplace no later than five days after the conviction.

No alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or drug paraphernalia are permitted on the campus of ChSCC. Empty alcohol containers (including but not limited to bottles, cans, and kegs) may not be used for display purposes in any residence hall room or apartment.

The use and/or possession of alcoholic beverages on university owned or controlled property is prohibited (Tennessee Board of Regents Policy No. 3:05:01:01).

B. A policy regarding the possession, use and sale of illegal drugs and enforcement of federal and state drug laws:

The following information is presented in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989:

ChSCC prohibits the possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs and alcohol on the campus proper or on institutionally owned, leased, or otherwise controlled property.

Various federal and state statutes make it unlawful to manufacture, distribute, dispense, deliver, or sell or possess with intent to manufacture, distribute, dispense, deliver, or sell controlled substances. The penalty imposed depends upon many factors which include the type and amount of controlled substance involved, the number of prior offenses, if any, and whether any other crimes were committed in connection with the use of the controlled substance. Possible sanctions include incarceration up to and including life imprisonment and imposition of substantial monetary fines. Tennessee statutes provide that it is unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one (21) to buy, possess, transport (unless in the course of employment), or consume alcoholic beverages, wine, or beer, such offense being classified a Class A misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 11 months, 29 days or a fine of not more than $2,500 or both. The receipt, possession, or transportation of alcoholic beverages without the required revenue stamp is also a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment of not more than thirty (30) days or a fine of not more than $50 or both.

Additional information about how use of drugs and/or alcohol affects health is available at the Health, Wellness, and Recreation Center.

ChSCC will impose sanctions against individuals who are determined to have violated rules prohibiting the use, possession, or distribution of illegal drugs or alcohol.

Sanctions for students using or possessing illegal drugs or alcohol include disciplinary probation and, in appropriate cases, suspension from the College. In addition, residence hall students will be removed from the housing system for the use or possession of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia. Referral for criminal prosecution may be made in appropriate cases. Individuals involved in the sale or distribution of illegal drugs will be suspended from the College and referred to the appropriate authorities for criminal prosecution. All employees, including students, agree as a condition of employment to abide by this policy. Sanctions against employees for use or possession of illegal drugs or alcohol in the workplace include termination of employment. Additionally, employees are required to notify the institution of any drug convictions resulting from a violation in the workplace no later than five days after the conviction.

No alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or drug paraphernalia are permitted on the campus of ChSCC.

C. ChSCC policy concerning a drug free workplace:

It is the policy of ChSCC that a drug-free workplace be maintained. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, or use of any controlled substance (including prescription drugs) is banned in the workplace. Controlled substance list is available in the Human Resource Services Office and include such things as opium, hallucinogens (like marijuana, mescaline, etc.), cocaine, amphetamines, heroin, and morphine. This policy does not prohibit the lawful use of prescribed drugs which are taken under a doctor’s care.

ChSCC strives to maintain a workplace environment for all employees who are safe and free of illegal drugs, in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989.

Description of assistance or counseling programs available to employees and students

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a short-term counseling service available to you and your immediate family members who may be experiencing personal or workplace problems.

Eligible employees may participate in the statewide EAP to receive consultation and referral for alcoholism or substance abuse. All college employees are eligible for referral assistance through the ChSCC Employee Assistance Program, coordinated by ChSCC Human Resources Services. The Office of Human Resources Services maintains a list of campus and community agencies which provide referral information, and/or counseling to students and employees.

The ChSCC Counseling Center, a student services unit within the Division of Student Affairs, offers limited assistance through personal counseling services for students who are experiencing alcohol and drug abuse problems. Counselors utilize community resources through professional referrals then appropriate. Additionally, Public Safety and counselors in the Counseling Center offer educational programs about alcohol and drug abuse for university student organizations and residence hall programming. The ChSCC Counseling Center is also available to students requiring counseling and referral services.

D. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Education Programs

A description of any drug or alcohol abuse education programs as required under Section 120(a) through (d) of HEA. For the purpose of meeting this requirement, an institution may cross-reference the materials it uses to comply with Section 120(a) through (d) of HEA:

ChSCC recognizes that the use of alcohol and drugs can have a negative impact on students and the learning process. In order to inform students of these hazards, ChSCC Counseling Services provides educational outreach programs.